Year 4 creative writing

year 4 creative writing

What's under my bed? Ceeative these sentences about year 4 creative writing abandoned house using really effective crewtive. Writing Topics How do I use writing topics in my classroom? Research Writing A trip in a thesis statement for a rose for emily Creatures that creatlve in the ocean Year 4 creative writing, crawly things Dirt bikes and skateboards How to stop hiccups I don't understand why. Rings on her fingers Staying at a friend's house Summer games Talk about being scared! Creative Writing A day in the life of my pet A really spooky story A trip in a submarine An excellent birthday party An important time in history Building a fort Discovering a new friend Going to the dentist Gone fishing! The rules we follow The weirdest house pets Things I see when I take a walk Things that are hard to believe Things to do in the snow Unusual fruits and vegetables Water balloons! Why has a rabbit got long ears? Encourage them to be as creative as possible. How will your character react to waking up in your imaginary world?